Your portfolio is a crucial component of your graduate school application, as it showcases your skills, experiences, and design sensibilities. The portfolio should include a variety of projects that demonstrate your ability to think creatively, solve problems, and communicate your design ideas effectively. The admissions committee will use your portfolio to evaluate your design skills and potential, so it is important to present your work in a clear and compelling way.
Your architecture school portfolio should include a range of projects that showcase your design skills, including hand-drawn sketches, 2D and 3D drawings, models, and photographs of completed works. It should also highlight your design process, including concept development, research, and analysis. You should consider including a variety of project types.
When selecting projects to include in your portfolio, choose works that showcase your strengths and align with the goals and mission of the architecture school you are applying to. Consider selecting projects that demonstrate your ability to work in teams, your technical skills, and your design process. Make sure that your portfolio represents your range of interests and design abilities, and is curated to highlight your strongest works.
Some common mistakes to avoid when creating your architecture school portfolio include including too many works that are unrelated or inconsistent, failing to clearly explain your design process, and not providing enough context for each project. It is also important to ensure that your portfolio is well-organized and visually appealing, with a consistent layout and clear descriptions.
While prior experience in architecture is not always required for admission to graduate school, it can be beneficial in demonstrating your commitment to the field and your ability to work in a design-focused environment. Prior experience can include internships, volunteer work, or even self-initiated design projects. Having experience in architecture can also help you develop a clearer understanding of the field and identify areas of interest for further study.
The main goal of this online course is to guide people who want to pursue graduate school in the field of architecture by providing them with the tools and strategies they need to create a cohesive and compelling application package, including a statement of purpose, resume, and portfolio.
This course provides tips and strategies for creating a unique and exciting narrative in your statement of purpose and portfolio, highlighting your strengths and experiences, and showing how pursuing further education in architecture will help you achieve your goals. It also provides worksheets and keyword lists to help you organize your thoughts and make your application stand out to the admissions committee.

A clearly written and meaningful statement of interest is an important component of an application, particularly at the graduate level. The essay should be concise, written in clear language avoiding professional jargon, and demonstrate a clarity of thought. Ideally the interests addressed in the statement of interest are supported by the materials and projects documented in the portfolio.

To whatever extent possible tailor the statement to the specific University, avoid the appearance of a boilerplate letter. Have you visited the campus, had friends or colleagues attend the University, researched or talked to specific faculty? If so include these types of details in your statement. Avoid rambling, your statement should be no more than one single spaced page. Avoid cliche’s (“I have always played with legos……) and speak to your specific experiences that have prepared you for graduate studies. What are you passionate about and how will this inform your graduate education?

Some of the key ingredients that need to go into your statement of purpose include a clear and compelling narrative of who you are, what your goals and motivations are, and how architecture school will help you achieve those goals.

It should also highlight your unique strengths and experiences, and how this specific architecture school will help you get to your goals. Ultimate guide to M.Arch Applications course is designed to help you structure a powerful SoP to support your admissions package!

Some of the soft skills keywords that you should include in your statement of purpose include attention-to-detail, confident, collaborative, open-minded, design-oriented, determined, problem solver, and so on.

These keywords will help you show the admissions committee who you are and how you can contribute and benefit from the school you are applying to.

Some of the hard skills keywords that you should include in your statement of purpose include technical skills such as AutoCAD, Rhino, Revit, SketchUp, and other software skills that you are comfortable using. This will help you show the admissions committee your strengths and experiences.

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